Event date
22 July 2024 - 26 July 2024
Event ID

Category: ISST Basic Course Part II

  • The course includes the following:

    • ISST course across 5 days (38,5 hours contact time)
    • Manual for the first part of the course

    *Information on accommodation options can be obtained via email inquiry

    Instruction for payment and cancellation policy
    Payments are made in Euro (€) or in Bulgarian Leva (BGN).

    Payment can be made in two installments, so that the first installment is paid 3 months before the start of the course, and the second one on the day the course begins.

    In the event of cancellation of participation in the course 3 months before the start, you can refund your money minus the amount of 200 euro, in case of cancellation within a time period that is shorter than 1 month until the start of the course, your money will be refunded minus the amount of 400 euro.

    For the course to be realized, it is necessary to count minimum of 7 and maximum of 14 participants. In case there are less than 7 participants, the Organizer reserves the right to cancel the course and in that case the money would be refunded to participants in the entire amount.

    Payment instructions:

    Payer: Your name, surname and address
    Purpose of payment: Education Isst methods
    IBAN: BG19UNCR70001523087229
    Swift code: UNCRBGSF
    Reference number: no

    Course price: 900€

    All the payment slips are necessary to be preserved and attached as evidence on the day of the course!

    It is also possible to make the payment through the company; in this case it is necessary to contact us to issue a pro forma invoice to you. It is not possible to pay by payment card.

    Please note that your subscription has to be confirmed from organizer side in order to be accepted. Therefore, make sure that their emails don’t end-up in Spam/Junk folder.