Janine Kerstholt MSc
Janine Kerstholt MSc
After graduated as Physical Therapist in 1977, I worked for several years in a general practice in Utrecht. That’s where I became interested in the treatment of scoliosis patients. In those day’s we had very good education in scoliosis treatment in the Netherlands. I did specialization courses with Elizabeth van der Meulen in The Hague.
After 10 years working as physical therapist, I started my study Computer Science, with specialization “medical informatics”, at the University of Leiden. After finishing my Master studies I worked for several years in this field.
I returned in the Physical Therapy, because of the economic crisis in the nineties, and specialized in sports. I worked as physical therapist and as a trainer at the SportsCenter of the University of Utrecht.
When I found out that patients with scoliosis all became operated, I went to “Asklepios Katharina Schroth klinik” for specialization in Schroth Therapy.
In my country there was no specialized conservative treatment of scoliosis any more.
In 2012, I decided to start a clinic, specialized in scoliosis treatment in Utrecht. And I started cooperation with the German Doctors and Technician in Bad Sobernheim to build up a high quality team in conservative treatment of scoliosis for my patients.
Because I was surprised about the results of my patients, I started in 2019 my research on the effectivity of Schroth Therapy in the treatment of my scoliosis patients.
My goal is to bring Scoliosis Treatment on a higher level, to increase the quality of life in children and adults with scoliosis and decrease the number of surgery.
Physical Therapy, and special Scoliosis Specific Treatment, is not a standard care in my country. With my results I want to change that.
That’s also the reason why I want to educate my colleagues in Schroth Therapy.
In October 2019 I received my Teacher’s Certificate Part I and II and from 2020, I’ll take care of the courses in The Netherlands.
TopFit Janine Kerstholt
Biltstraat 443, 3572 AW Utrecht, Netherlands
Biltstraat 443, 3572 AW Utrecht, Netherlands